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Hoshino Resort Utoco
Auberge and Spa
Utoco Hoshino
Koku, is renowned for being one of the most savage places in the entire Niponic archipelago. It is, actually, in literature,
the edge of the hereafter. Therefore there couldn’t have been a better place for the couple of Franco-Japanese architects
Henri Gueydan and Fumiko Kaneko of the Ciel Rouge Creation studio to realize an ambitious project: a hotel with
adjacent restaurant and 220-metre-long wellbeing centre, all white and following the coastline to live in symbiosis with
the ocean, whose waters, due to the high saline content, is exploited for thalassotherapy treatments.
The project, made reality, is called Utoco, and it is a concentration of architectonic ideas, apparently simple and at times
relaxing, in which the guest must feel far from everyday reality: absence of corners, sinuous forms and no stairs.